One day on a rainy day at my apartment in Florida, I wrote this song sabout the mundanity I was experiencing in my life. I was reflecting on some of my past musical experiences and what the future is to hold. The metaphor of a rainy day is carried through the whole song. The perspective of watching your life wash away is compared to the rainy day that keeps the speaker stagnated inside. I recorded this song in the Full Sail Studio A just sitting down and performing with a guitar and then my voice. Once I had tracked the song, I recorded a bass guitar at my apartment and made an engineering automation across the song to use frequency content to allow growth to happen in the song.

It’s filled with love, everything you do
Though you got some trouble in the back, my friend
I swear that you’re on track, just keep it cool
I always do

I’m gone, gone, gone, you never knew
Well, I’ve never felt this way before
I’m trying to pry open the door to get to you
Oh, you felt too much for too long

And now you’re going blind
Your eyes are on your watch
Don’t think your eyes can catch the time
You found so many silly ways

To end your life
And I bet he never felt so out of place
And I bet you never felt one inch of grace

It might be hard to disagree
When you’re always wasting time
Smoking green and feeling free
But you’re always blue

Watching the rain falling down
What can you do
Except stare at the numbers on your screen
They go from one to two to three
How can it be?

Oh, cause you felt too much for too long
And now you’re going blind
Your eyes are on your watch

Don’t think your eyes can catch the time
You found so many rainy days
In your life
In your life
In your life

The Night Shift